Spatial Mapping Rules

The following list contains the rules that are used to determine whether a given schedule is valid or not.

  1. Vertex slots must be mapped to even slots.


    - Invalid:    | ___ | OPA | OPA | ___ |
    - Valid:      | OPA | OPA | ___ | ___ |
    - Valid:      | ___ | ___ | OPA | OPA |
  2. Two DFG ports can not be mapped to a single VectorPort.

  3. The stated dfg edge is always 8 bits wide.

  4. A stated DFG port can not be mapped to a non-stated vectorport.

  5. The stated dfg edge is always mapped to a stated VectorPort on bits [0-8]. The first link of a vector port only includes the stated edge.

  6. The other links of the vectorport are statically assigned according to their value id. A InputPort value can not stradle two different links.

  7. Memory DFG Edges, or those with either their source or destination vertex being a data node, can’t utilize switches.


    - Invalid: SPM0 -> SWITCH0 -> IVP0
  8. A dfg edge entering a non-switch must come in at an even slot


    - Invalid:    | ___ | OPA | OPA | ___ |
    - Valid:      | OPA | OPA | ___ | ___ |
    - Valid:      | ___ | ___ | OPA | OPA |
  9. A switch can map to any contiguous slot.


    - Valid:      | ___ | OPA | OPA | ___ |
    - Valid:      | OPA | OPA | ___ | ___ |
    - Valid:      | OPA | ___ | ___ | OPA |
    - Invalid:    | OPA | ___ | OPA | ___ |
  10. A lower bitwidth edge must always be mapped to the lower bits of a granularity.


    A 16 bit edge mapped to a Node with granularity 32 and datawidth 64 bit granularity
    - Valid: Mapping edge to bits: [0:16] or [32:48]
    - Invalid: Mapping edge to bits: [16:32] or [48:64]