

We highly recommend you use Docker to setup the environment. By downloading this Dockerfile, you can simply setup the environment by typing to build a docker image:

$ sudo docker build . -t polyarch/dsa-framework:latest

Then you can start a docker container by executing command below. The docker option -v /home/<user>/dsa-share:/root/dsa-share allows you to share files between host machine and docker container.

$ sudo docker run -tid [-v /home/<your username>/dsa-share:/root/dsa-share] --name=overgen polyarch/dsa-framework:latest /bin/bash

Or, more aggressively, you can build the image and start the container with one command

$ sudo docker run -tid [-v /home/<your username>/dsa-share:/root/dsa-share] --name=overgen \
    `sudo docker build . | tail -1 | awk '{ print $3 }'` /bin/bash

NOTE: zsh is required. If we use the default bash, the behaviors of our environement setup script are undesired.


Our docker only resolves all the dependences, and clone the repos. Therefore, after the docker container starts, you should build the framework infrastructures from the source code:

# Attach to docker container
$ sudo docker attach overgen

# Switch from `bash` to `zsh`, DO NOT use zsh when start docker container
$ zsh

# Inside the docker, enter dsa-framework root folder
$ cd /root/dsa-framework

# Initialize all submodules, SKIP this step if you are using docker
$ ./scripts/

# Setup dsa-framework environment variables
$ source ./ # setup environement variables

# Compile the entire dsa-framework
$ make all -j

# Please source chipyard/ manually if this is a first time build
$ source chipyard/

NOTE: If you just want temporarily leave the container (detach, not close), you should just <Ctrl-p><Ctrl-q> to detach, instead of typing exit.


To verify the repo is successfully built, you can

$ cd dsa-apps/demo
$ ./ ss-vecadd.out

The command above make a simple vector addition example compiled by LLVM and simulated in Gem5.

All the compiled applications are developed by the same software development kit (SDK), refer to SDK Section for more details.


You can also download a pre-built docker image (~70GB) here, which contains the entire dsa-framework with all toolchains built.

You can import the docker image and use dsa-framework by doing:

$ docker import <downloaded tar file>.tar polyarch/dsa-framework:latest